Simplify Your Business
Business Operations Manage Leads Strategize Marketing Track Projects
all in one platform

Work 50% faster with 70% fewer errors
by using connected systems.*

We are trusted by 5,00+ customers, from startups to enterprises

Streamlined Management for
Every Industry

Technology Services

Seamless project management, resource allocation, and client support for tech-driven businesses.

Retail & E-commerce

Optimize inventory management, track customer interactions, and streamline order fulfillment.

Marketing Agencies

Integrate campaign management and client communications, ensuring timely and impactful marketing deliverables


Production planning, inventory mgmt & supplier coordination, driving efficiency across the manufacturing process.


Track progress and coordinate with subcontractors seamlessly, ensuring projects stay on time & within budget.

Interior Design

Streamline project timelines, manage client expectations, and coordinate with vendors effortlessly.

Never Get Lost Again

Have you ever wondered why do newspapers print their content in multiple columns?

Connex has vertical layout system, which are considered highly productive for context retention, minimal clicks, clear hierarchy & multi tasking.

No Expert Required

Remember those complicated setups, complex terms & the need of certified expert?

Connex is designed to be so intuitive, that you can be the Connex expert within 2-3 days of use. With Connex, you are ready for action from day one.

Native Mobile Apps

Tired of dealing with unresponsive & slow web wrappers passed off as mobile apps?

Connex native mobile apps provide fast notifications, reminders, optimized interface, smooth operations, keeping your business running effortlessly from anywhere.

Built for Business Owners
& Decision Makers

Access customizable dashboards with real-time data for a bird’s-eye view of your team and business. Stay in control with mobile and tablet apps, and receive instant updates via SMS, WhatsApp, and email for critical events and to-dos. Achieve effortless success with a solution that keeps you informed and your business thriving.

Effortless Integration with
Your Favorite Tools

Enjoy the flexibility to customize workflows and synchronize data across platforms, enhancing productivity and keeping all your essential tools in one place.

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Choose a Plan

Flexible and Affordable Pricing to Meet Your Business Needs. Either Agency or Individual, we got you covered !


$ 49
  • Shared database
  • 20+ Users
  • 50+ Invoices
  • 24/7 Support
  • Unlimited backup


$ 69
  • Single database
  • 50+ Users
  • 100+ Invoices and Lead
  • 24/7 Support
  • Unlimited backup


$ 99
  • Standalone cloud database
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Invoices and Leads
  • 24/7 Support
  • Unlimited storage